PyFDE tutorial ============== In this tutorial we will write a program to find (we hope so) the global minimum of the 2D Rastrigin function given by Eq. :eq:`rast`: .. math:: :label: rast f(x,y) = 20 + (x^2 - 10\cos(2\pi x)) + (y^2 - 10\cos(2\pi y)) Eq. :eq:`rast` has a global minimum at *(x=0,y=0)*. Our program will use **PyFDE**, starting by loading the required modules: .. code-block:: python import pyfde from math import cos, pi The next step is to define the *fitness evaluation function*. This function receives one list containing the description of a vector (in this case an array with two floats), and must return the fitness evaluation, as a float. This fitness value represents the quality of the solution, and will guide the optimization process. By default **PyFDE** will attempt to maximize the fitness value. If you'd rather minimize the fitness value, you can pass the key *minimize=True*. Essentially this takes the output of the fitness function and multiplies by a -1. We want to minimize the value of the Rastrigin function. .. code-block:: python def fitness(p): # The value of the Rastrigin function to be minimized x, y = p[0], p[1] val = 20 + (x**2 - 10*cos(2*pi*x)) + (y**2 - 10*cos(2*pi*y)) return val With the function defined, we can now initialize the solver state and configure its parameters: .. code-block:: python solver = pyfde.ClassicDE(fitness, n_dim=2, n_pop=40, limits=(-5.12, 5.12), minimize=True), solver.f = 0.9, 0.45 We used a population of 40 vectors in a 2D search space (one for each variable, x and y). We have limited the search space to values between (-5.12, 5.12). We can also configure the limits of each dimension manually by passing a list of tuples, like *limits=[(-5.12, 5.12), (-2.5, 2.5)]*. Lets run it: .. code-block:: python best, fit = Now, the best found solution is available with *best[0]* and *best[1]*. The final fitness evaluation is stored in *fit*. Finally, let's print the solution: .. code-block:: python print("**Best solution found**") print("x, y = {:.2f}, {:.2f} (expected: 0.00, 0.00)".format(best[0], best[1])) print("Fitness = {:.2f}".format(fit)) The whole source code is available at *tests/*. Iterators --------- To use custom stopping conditions, one can use the generator syntax: .. code-block:: python for best, fit in solver(n_it=10): # custom logic here, breaking when desired It is also possible to access every solution vector by iterating the solver: .. code-block:: python for vector, fit in solver: print(vector, fit) Batch mode ---------- To further enhance the performance, specially if the fitness function is also implemented in Cython, it is possible to specify a `batch` mode by setting the `batch` parameter to True in the solver constructor. In `batch` mode, the fitness function will be called only once per iteration to evaluate the fitness of all the population. In this mode, the fitness function will receive the population as first parameter, and the fitness array to be updated as second parameter: `fitness(double[:,::1] pop, double[::1] fit)`. Reproducibility and random seed ------------------------------- **PyFDE** uses the `xorshift128+` algorithm as its pseudo random number generator. Every `solver` instance has its own internal PRNG state. The PRNG initial seed can be set by using the `seed` parameter in the solver constructor. If no seed is specified, then it will be computed from the current time. Implementing its own PRNG also allows a certain reproducibility of results, since by using the same seed in each run one can obtain the exact same output even on different computers / operating systems. Other DE strategies ------------------- Besides the `ClassicDE`, **PyFDE** also implements the `JADE` algorithm. The `JADE` algorithm is an adaptative DE algorithm, that adjusts its internal `CR` and `F` parameters during the optimization procedure to adapt to the current problem fitness landscape.